Despite my best efforts to protest, deny, avoid, and delay ... you now have a dog. Her name is Zoe (though I think the rescue spelled it Zoey) and she is a mixture of the Poodle and Maltese breeds. She is two years old and fully grown and about nine pounds right now. Your mom and you brought her home last Friday. What were we thinking?!?
For a week you have had to take Benadryl almost every night. The hives seem to be only where Zoe licks you and truth be told seem to be lessening. You have been pretty good about taking her for walks so far, but as a father I have this sneaking suspicion that sooner or later that chore will fall to me more than it already has. You are learning quickly and doing pretty good with her training, though she obviously has had some previous experience and it is more her adjusting to our ways and/or us adjusting to her.
Daddy is still reserving his judgement and more dislikes the added challenges, cost, and responsibilities that dog ownership brings. Roro seems to like this dog and I think secretly she wishes the dog would come up with her and jump on her lap more. You are in love with this dog. The moment it is away from you, you call her name. The dog however, likes all of us, but loves your mommy. Zoe's first two years were spent with a lady and your mommy has easily assumed the role. And your mommy loves her and has even slightly begun spoiling this little bitch. And Zoe spoils your mommy right back by keeping her company at any hour of the day or night, usually laying right by her side.
Anyways, sometimes Zoe doesn't pay you as much attention. She doesn't necessarily come to you as much as she should and for awhile I was worried that you would get jealous of the mommy-Zoe bond. But ever the optimist, you have taken to a game of hide and seek, with cheese. You grab a string cheese and break off some and run and hide. If Zoe bothers to seek you out, or even just happens close to whichever room you ran off to, you jump out and giggle and tell her she found you and treat her with the cheese bite and run off again. If she doesn't mind you or find you or come to your calling, you wait a little, then go find her and giggle and claim yourself as the winner of that round and treat her and run off again. Really is no loser in your game with your dog.
And that, my son, is why I will try my best to put my grumblings about dog ownership away and just be happy for our family as Zoe finds her place among clan Downey.
Sincerely with love from your dad,