Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Barking Cough

To my son Tommy,

I often wonder why medical issues seem to group together in a family. If I looked at the actual data, I might realize this is just an incorrect perception. Still with your sister busting her head open a couple days ago and you falling sick the past two days, it is a well earned perception even if it is coincidental. Most people will say bad things come in threes. I am thinking of kicking the side of a building and breaking my toe just to make sure the third thing is me and not anyone else in the family.

You stayed home from school yesterday. You were dressed and ready, but as you walked up the stairs your mom heard your hacking echo of a cough. It was a deep loud hollow sound, not the type that suggested you had lungs filled with mucus. It more sounded like a croup bark. She sent you back down to bed.

When you finally woke up, your mom did a rapid covid test on you. Negative, thank God. So she filled you with cough medicine and you lazed around the house. You were sad because that meant you missed your basketball awards ceremony, but you understood your health was more important. The cough remained throughout the day, but seemed to lessen.

Later that evening, right before bed, the cough came back with vengeance. Your mom tried all the tricks she knew before calling your doctors’ on call line. With your on going asthma condition, things were getting worrisome. Finally, you had a barking/coughing fit where you were starting to panic and having trouble catching your breath. Off to the emergency room you went. Your mom took you. I stayed with the girls.

You guys got home real late. You were wiped out and crashed pretty hard. The doctors at the ED couldn’t really give us an answer but the fit was gone and the symptoms were somewhat managed. You and your mom are at your doctors’ office right now doing a follow up. I hope they can figure out what or why and how to avoid it.

The worst thing actually happened today. I gave you my condolences because in your current condition, it is doubtful you will be able to participate in your school’s talent show. “I worked so hard, I don’t want to throw it away,” you told me through quivering voice and tearful eyes. 

My son, I feel ya. I know how difficult it is when you are forced out of something you diligently prepared for and eagerly anticipated. Unfortunately, this choice is a no brainer. We can’t send you to school to spread whatever you have. You need your rest. Your health is more important than any show. Plus between your sore throat and chest, I am not sure you are up for the task anyhow. Once you get through the initial disappointment, I think you will realize that focusing on your health now will lead to a promising future where you are going to have plenty of opportunities to show your great love for singing!

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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