Friday, May 1, 2015

Wasted Time

To my son Tommy,

On one or more occasions of my youth I accused my parents of wasting my time. At young ages, the definition of time well spent is quite skewed. My dad would just smile that smile each and every time I would say, "This is such a waste of time."

This morning, on our way to your Great Great Aunt Jule Slagle's funeral, I realized how much time spent parenting is running around and saying, "Find your shoes. We're already late." Talk about a time sink. I am guessing at least three hours every week are spent trying to find shoes. Today one was under the coffee table and the other under the couch.

I guess that is why my father smiled that smile. He knew some day I would really know the meaning of wasted time, but by then I would consider it parenting, or one of its sacrifice, or even time well spent.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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