Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Camp 2019 Letter Three

To my son Tommy,

It is Wednesday 26 June 2019 as I write this letter. I took a day off from writing you because I figured you might be getting too many letters that take away from your camp time. I know Mommy wrote a letter or two and so did Roro and your Bwama. Even your Great Great Aunt Cindy is going to write you.

Yesterday the camp nurse called. Turns out you are allergic to horses. Who knew? Honestly we didn't even consider it. Here is a picture of you on a little horse (or maybe it was a pony) when you were younger. No issues that I remember from that day with any of the barnyard animals. But this time you broke out in hives.

During the incident, the nurse asked what it felt like the last time you needed EPI. You said it felt like this. You never needed an EPI pen injection (knock on wood) in your life so far. We were close once when you tried beef and ran you to the emergency room, but even then we dosed you with benadryl and made it to the ER before having to give you the EPI pen. Be careful with the dramatic flare. Administering an EPI pen means a definite trip to the hospital and probably "game over" for camp. So don't go for the sympathy drama. Sure it nice to have someone show you that concern, but unintended consequences await down that path. The nurse (who is most excellent) gave you a couple chewable benadryl  and kept you with her and you cleared up in an hour or so.

The silver lining (other than you being okay and learning that you are allergic) is that your mom got report on you. The nurse said, as far as home sickness or such, that you are having no problems. You seem to be adjusting and having the time of your life. Sorry you can't ride anymore while you are there, but I imagine you will still find plenty of fun things to occupy your time. Make the best of it!

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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