Monday, June 24, 2019

Camp 2019 Letter Two

To my son Tommy,

It is Monday 24 June 2019. As I write this letter, it has been just over 30 hours since we sent you off to camp. Mommy is itching to call the camp nurse and make sure you are doing okay. Not sure how much longer she can hold out. Mommy wrote her own letter today and just mailed it. Mine will go out tomorrow and probably get to you a day later. I figure by Thursday at the latest.

Anyways, typical dad thinking, I figure no news is good news and you are adjusting well. They will call if there is a problem. Otherwise, I can wait for the full after report when you come home. But I do miss you. Zoe dog does too. Look how pathetic she looks with no one to cuddle with at night. Okay the lighting sucks on the picture but she really does mope at night. Plus she can't write letters to you to make herself feel better. She has been extra cuddly with Mommy to make up for missing you.

It is funny what you think about when you miss someone. I was driving to work today and a Bob Marley song came on the radio. It made me think of all those drives to school where I introduced you to some of daddy's music. I pictured you waking up from your bunk and going on your cabin porch and seeing a couple birds tweeting away at you. Made me smile. If you get lonely, sing the Three Little Birds song, and think of our time together, and smile and know it will happen again soon. Then go back to enjoying your new friends and adventures.

Of course, you are never really alone. Your Grandpa Leo is your acting Guardian Angel and there with you. He is used to that camping stuff. Of course when he did it he had machine guns, and tanks, and half-tracks, and a full Army support element. But if the song doesn't make you feel better, say the Guardian Angel prayer.

Don't forget to wear your sunscreen and bug spray. Keep your hat on when you can. Drink lots of water.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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