Thursday, November 20, 2014

Old Motto, New Perspective

To my son Tommy,

I am sitting with your Great Grandpa Leo making sure someone is here to watch him. Your Grandma Roro is in the other room and I guess by me being here I am kind of looking out for both of them. Your Nana Jeanne is in the hospital for her diverticulitis and your Grandpa Leo is at doctor appointments all day. Your Great Aunt Mo went with him for a second pair of ears. I am very anxious to hear what they are going to be told.

To while away the hours, I have been thinking of recent conversations I had with your Grandpa Leo. The other day, your grandpa put his car into the service center. He told them to give it a once over and fix everything. He asked me to drive him over to pick up the car. He was dreading the auto service bill, saying how it was probably going to be big mistake to give the car dealership service section basically a blank check. 

I looked at him and laughed and said, "Dad, right now you are or should be living by the motto, 'Life is short. Make mistakes.' You know what I mean?"

He laughed a tremendous belly laugh, "Do you think I should have a t-shirt made?"

It felt good to make your grandpa laugh. I could use a laugh right now waiting for the doctors' best guess to how short life can be.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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