Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Toothless Detective

To my son Tommy,

To be certain, Christ's Resurrection is the reason we celebrate today. It is easy to lose that perspective with everything that goes on, from Easter egg hunts and bunnies and peeps and hams and family get together. You can even throw in the fact that you lost your first tooth today, and when I say lost, that means you got tired of wiggling that tooth and pulled it yourself. Ouch. Well at least that is one of the shark teeth fixed with only one left to go.

You had plans on pulling that tooth last night, some grandiose plan that the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny needed to meet up. But in all your planning and scheming, your little neurons were firing and coming up with some questions and suspicions. And of course, being the daddy, it fell to me to set you straight and allay your suspicions.

6 year old: Why does the Easter Bunny and everyone like him come only at night while I am sleeping?

6 year old:

Me: Autographs and selfies. If he came during the day everyone would want autographs and selfies. He doesn't have time for that. Very busy you know.

6 year old:

6 year old: Yeah, that makes sense.
You are getting too smart for your own good. Stay young and stop growing! I would say you would make a fine future detective, but your abilities only seem to extend to the mental and abstract, because it took you way too long to find your Easter basket. It was hidden in a partially opened oven and even after a game of hot and cold with a clue like "You are so hot you're burning like you were IN AN OVEN!" it still took you a couple minutes to figure it out.

But to be certain, even during all these distractions and excitements, Easter still remains about the ultimate sacrifice and His Resurrection.  Remember Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” (John 11:25-26), Happy Easter!

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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