Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Just For Laughs

To my son Tommy,

This vacation has brought a couple laughs. We learned about your cousin Ryan calling large waves "eighteen wides". Your cousin Emma lightened the mood when she ran around with goo in a jar that when pushed makes fart sounds. Ryan trying to put her butt on Uncle Chris's face. We told stories and jokes and together as a family laughed.

Now the most humorous story of the vacation has to be you sitting on Emma's back. You sat there and talked and played on her back for some time. Why is that funny you ask? Well it turned out that unbeknownst to me, your mother, Aunt Debbie, and Emma, you had taken off your pants. Em was laughing but disgusted in your commando attack of her back and neck. It is something that will come back to haunt you in stories about the beach. "You remember the summer where Tommy was free-balling on Emma's neck!?!" is something you may hear in the future. So I thought it would be nice to preserve it here so you know what they are talking about.

Yet another reason why family is the best. Only the forgiveness of relatives can take a story like that and find the humor.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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