Sunday, September 23, 2012

End Of A Long Week

To my son Tommy,

Though I have had fun spending extra time with you this week, the circumstances that granted us this extra time were not wanted.  It is been a long tiring week, filled with doctors and hospitals and medicines and coughs and aches and tears and such.  Even though I choose to focus on the positive, it does not make the realities of a sick week disappear.  I'd say I am back up to about 85% of prime, your mother probably running at 70% of prime, and then there is you.  You have gotten through the cold or flu or whatever but we now have to figure out what this diagnosis of asthma means for you and your future health.

So as this week begins, we have a bunch of unanswered questions.  Will work be horrid for me after missing a week?  Will your mother be able to get through her exam tomorrow being in less than optimal health?  Will we have to maintain nebulizer treatments for your lungs?  But the unknown and the looming questions of life sure make it interesting to see how it all turns out.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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