Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meshing Schedules

To my son Tommy,

When you look back on this time in your life, you may recall a somewhat hectic schedule.  We have many hurdles and adjustments to face currently.  Your mother and I do the best to give normalcy to your schedule as well as ours and accommodate everyone.  We have some saving graces like you Bwama that help us out immensely and allow us some flexibility but it is still a bit of a juggling act.

My daily schedule is probably the most set.  This also makes it the most likely to change to help out.  I try to be up and in the shower by 6:15 finished and groomed and any morning chores done by 6:45 to head out the door to church.  Church 7:00 to 7:30 and off to work.  Work from 8:00 (actually 8:05) and then I try my best to finish my work and be home by 5:00 but that is always up in the air a bit.

Your mom's schedule is the most volatile with nursing school.  8-12 one day, 8-5 another, clinicals and all types of schedule changes and twists.  I believe nursing school intentionally gives a mixed up schedule to ready the student for the schedule of a full blown nurse.  Throw in specials like her exam today that she had to lock herself into her office to study for last night, and leave early today for.  That is the reason I have you this morning and had to skip morning mass.

Then we come to your schedule.  8-12 Tuesday and Thursday for school.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you head up to Bwama's for the day.  You are a bit of a bear in the morning but we try to get you up every morning at 6:30 and get you dressed and fed and such.  You have some special events now, back-to-school, orientation, field trips etc to throw in the mix.

The long and short is though it might seem hectic, we will get through.  We will figure it out and everyone in the end might not get what they want in their schedule but they will get what they need from their schedule.  This is life and life's schedule is never as set as we would like.  It may become boring if it were.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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