Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bad Joke

To my son Tommy,

I asked you today to quick tell me a joke.  I expected you to be flustered and I could teach you a knock knock joke or something.  But you hit me right out of the gate with a joke.  At least I think it is a joke.  It had the rhythm and patter of a joke.  I believe it was "Why did the chicken lay an egg? .... Because he eats the macaroni!"  but I had to capture it on video to make sure.  Sometimes it sounds like the chicken is "beating rock-a-moni" or some other nonsense.  Evidently this passes for humor in a four year old's world.  And it sure passes for humor in the world of a daddy of a four year old even if it doesn't quite make sense.  As for the rest of them, well you have a while to go and much work to do on your material before you sell out a stadium for your stand up routine.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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