Tuesday, May 21, 2013


To my son Tommy,

Today was your Hoedown Throwdown Nursery School Graduation.  Ms. Mary and Ms. Heather put together an extremely cute cowboy themed graduation as you finish up the year.  You guys had practiced and learned some songs and a dance.  You, for some reason, went shy again when everyone was performing the dance.  People who see you in public performance would never ever believe me how much you love to dance at home.  You each received your diploma and walked over a bridge symbolizing your transition to pre-k.  All four of your grandparents attended along with me and mommy and your Aunt Na.

Some people might think a nursery school graduation is silly and a waste of time but I personally think it was one of the greatest things in the world.  I really am glad that your teachers made it so special the same way they made your entire school year special.  We were blessed to have such caring souls looking after you for the year and though it might be sad to close this chapter, we are excited about next year.  Ms. Mary promised to see you again next year and help you walk into your new class on the first day of school or the first thirty days as necessary, so it isn't like we all are forever parting ways.  I uploaded a few pics to my flickr account and now I just need to bug Pop-pop to upload the rest of the pictures from today (and from field day).  Congratulations to you my son, you are growing up so fast and mommy and I are so proud of you.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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