Friday, June 14, 2013

Feel Like Jello

To my son Tommy,

I feel like jello.  No this is not some strange food craving nor a new food for you recent food challenge.  This is the feeling of every muscle in my body as I worked out in the gym for the first time in way too many flag days.  A friend reached out on Facebook looking for a workout partner in the area.  We were both members of the local Planet Fitness so we met up and worked out and started ourselves back on the road to fitness, or at least that is the plan.  Drew and I both need some time back in the gym, but my rotund figure definitely shows I need it a bit more.  It is good to catch up with a friend and to see how much we have grown since our bar days, And the best thing is though we are focusing in on us, I bet we both are doing it more to add a few years with our kids.  So tomorrow when I can't pick you up to play, remember these jello arms are my flag day gift to you.

Sincerely with live from your dad,

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