Saturday, June 15, 2013

Observations and Connections

To my son Tommy,

One of the most fascinating things to watch as your father is your mental growth.  It is amazing how the mind works and learns and grows and even more amazing when it is happening in your own offspring.  I get to see that moment of realization, that moment when the light goes on and you figure something new out.  Your observations and comments are becoming more and more fluid, insightful, and pertinent.  Take for example the comment made about a television show tonight.  

No one was really watching but, as has become customary, the TV was on while we transitioned from getting back home from Roro's house to getting ready for bedtime.  NCIS was on and you looked up and saw the character Ziva David played by the actress Cote de Pablo.  You said, "hey, that kind of looks like Aunt Gil" said with a glint of pride looking for validation.  In just those few words I realized how much you have grown.  This is not the only time you started using similes for understanding.  You can compare and contrast while no longer confusing people, places, or ideas.  You know when something is like something else but know that it is still different.  You can take one concept and use it to better explain a new concept.  You might think this is a simple maneuver but I know adults to this day that have difficulties with that process.  At the young age of four, you have said stuff that makes my own mind grow and that my only response can be, "you're right" or "yeah, I can see that".   It doesn't happen every time, I mean you are only four and occasionally you compare the most oddest things which might make sense to you but leave mom and I scratching our heads.  So just keep practicing those observations as those new neural pathways develop.  As for your Aunt Gil looking like Ziva, we will let her decide but yeah, I can see that.

Sincerely with love from your dad,

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